Phil Wright : Component Factory

Thursday, September 01, 2005

microISV, Good Bad @ Ugly

The Good...

Some good news at last. The web hosting has been transferred over much faster than I expected and now I have a Linux machine hosting my web space space. The domain names are correctly pointing to it and email is still working just fine. It was a painful process with several calls to Network Solutions, but we got their in the end.

In fact you can visit the site right now and see the newly designed website up and running. Well, actually there is only a single page with example non-sense content but it gives the look and feel.

The observant among you will have noticed that one of the navigation buttons is called Blog. I am getting the web designer to setup a blog system that works within the website so there is no need to have it externally hosted as with Blogger.

Once that is working I will copy across all existing posts from here and let you know the appropriate new feed. But I expect this to take a little while yet.

...the Bad...

It seems that my order for a new PC with Dell is going to take another two weeks. When I placed the order the delivery time estimated seemed a reasonable 10 days. But once they have received payment it suddenly jumps by another 14 days. Not that I am cynical of course...

...and the Ugly...

As part of the website design I need a couple of small logos that are used to represent the two products. Have a look and see what you think.

The Toolkit will be the free set of components that will help market the company name and drive interest in the other products. Navigator will be the first actual paid for product.

As the products created will be related to each other it makes sense to have a name for the range they all belong to. Obviously you have now worked out that I have decided on the name Krypton. Hence the green colouring and not the blue you might expect for it to match the website.

What do you think of the name? Do you think the above logos are good enough?


  • The name sounds good. I like that it's simple and not some wierd oddly spelled word that you can't figure out. The logos also look solid to me. Of course, I'm not a designer or marketeer.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:05 pm  

  • The site is starting to look at lot nicer. When I reading through the Good, Bad and Ugly, I was expecting that the Ugly was the picture of the guy in the middle of the page. That was the first thing the jumped out at me not fitting your site design. Change the picture, please.

    The color and graphics for the new components fit the site nicely. As for the name Krypton, it sounds good, but it reminds me to much of Superman, not components.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:33 pm  

  • I don't know about the name. I think it's alright. I would say that the logos are unsatisfactory. The Component Factory logo is very iconic. I would go with something similar for Krypton. The glare on the compass is also annoying. I would keep the slick 2D look of the Component Factory logo. These look like an advertisement for Xbox.

    By Blogger Apathy On A Stick, at 4:47 pm  

  • The site looks nice, however there is a small detail that caught my atttention and spawned a question -- shouldn't the West and East direction markings on the compass logo be on oposite sides?

    Greetings from Far East and good luck with your microISV!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:55 am  

  • Your Krypton boxes are nice, but I'd choose a simpler, instantly recognizable image to put in the centre.
    Also change the title of your page, right now it's "untitled document"! :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:14 pm  

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